DuoGlide™ Cathéters de dialyse aiguë Cathéter de dialyse à court terme DuoGlide™

Trousse de cathéter de dialyse à extension courbée à court terme Ch 13 DuoGlide™, à double lumière, longueur d'insertion de 24 cm

  • Dual lumen
  • Kink-resistant catheter design
  • Symmetrical tip
  • Catheter length options
  • Maximal barrier trays
  • Straight or curved extension legs
Caractéristiques et avantages
Notre Histoire

GTIN - null



GTIN - null



GTIN - null



Configuration de la trousse



5 chacun/boîte

Taille du cathéter

13,0 Fr

Longueur d'insertion (de la pointe au manchon)

24 cm

Configuration du cathéter

Jambe d'extension incurvée


GTIN - null 20801741042083 50
GTIN - null 10801741042086 5
GTIN - null 00801741042089 1


Configuration de la trousse Trousse
Emballage 5 chacun/boîte

Spécifications du produit

Taille du cathéter 13,0 Fr
Longueur d'insertion (de la pointe au manchon) 24 cm
Configuration du cathéter Jambe d'extension incurvée
Questions fréquentes

Catheter Indications and Materials

The DuoGlide Catheters are indicated for use in attaining short-term (less than 30 days) vascular access for hemodialysis, hemoperfusion, and apheresis therapy via the jugular, subclavian or femoral vein.

The catheter is intended for short-term vascular access only and is not to be used for any purpose other than indicated.


Catheter Performance

The DuoGlide Catheter flows at 400 mL/min for all lengths with low arterial/venous pressures (less than 250 mmHg). As suggested by in vitro data using a blood simulate approximating the viscosity of whole blood.

The rate of recirculation of the dialysis lumens is less than 1% on average in both the forward and reverse directions when tested in vitro1 at a flow rate of 300 mL/min with the symmetrical tip design of the 24 cm DuoGlide Short Term Dialysis Catheter. Note that recirculation in femoral catheters is likely significantly greater than in internal jugular placed catheters.2

Bench test results may not necessarily be indicative of clinical performance.


Catheter and Kit Options

The DuoGlide Catheter outer diameter is 13 French. The intra lumens are large 12 gauge lumens that allow for flows of 400 mL/min.

The DuoGlide Catheter is available in both straight and curved extension leg configurations.

The DuoGlide Catheter is available in 12.5 cm (curved extension configuration only), 15 cm, 20 cm, 24 cm, and 30 cm (straight extension configuration only).

Transparent, rotatable wing allows for easy visualization and cleaning of exit site.

The DuoGlide Catheter is available in standard kit configurations only. Full maximal barrier precautions trays are available for order in conjunction with the standard kits and are compliant with Health HC, CPSI, and CCOHS guidelines.


Placement, Maintenance and Care

The DuoGlide Catheter is intended to be inserted in the jugular, femoral, or subclavian vein as required.

WARNING: The catheter must not be left in the femoral vein longer than three days.

The DuoGlide Dialysis Catheter is compatible with the following agents: Povidone iodine, 0.55% sodium hypochlorite solution, chlorhexidine gluconate 4%, chlorhexidine gluconate 2% solution, dilute aqueous sodium hypochlorite, hydrogen peroxide, bacitracin zinc ointments in petrolatum bases.

WARNING: Acetone and PEG-containing ointments can cause failure of this device and should not be used with polyurethane catheters. Chlorhexidine patches or bacitracin zinc ointments are the preferred alternatives.

Yes. The StatLock Catheter Stabilization Device is compatible and can be ordered separately from the Bard Medical Division at 800-526-4455. The part number is DI0122.

Yes, the DuoGlide Catheter may be exchanged over a guidewire. The wire included in the kit is a 0.035 inch wire which fits through the venous lumen of the catheter.

Produits connexes
Produits connexes non disponibles
Plaintes concernant un produit
North American Regional Complaint Center
1-844-8BD-LIFE (1-844-823-5433)
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  • Nom du produit et/ou numéro de catalogue
  • Numéro de lot ou numéro de série
  • Blessures et/ou préjudices?
  • Quel est le problème que vous avez rencontré?
  • Est-ce-que l'échantillon réel ou le représentant de l'échantillon est disponible? (Si possible, veuillez envoyer l'échantillon concerné)
  • Nom et numéro de téléphone de la personne à contacter