
BD Phoenix™ Automated Identification and Susceptibility


The BD Phoenix™ automated identification and susceptibility testing system provides rapid, accurate and reliable detection of known and emerging antimicrobial resistance. It also enables workflow efficiency by utilizing automated nephelometry, which results in a standardized isolate inoculum and a reduction in potential technologist error. Additionally, state-of-the-art data management monitors, analyzes and communicates actionable results directly to laboratories and clinicians.

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  1. Burns J. Combining lean with lab automation to get impressive results. Dark Rep. 2015;22(10):10-15.
  2. Page N. Transforming a Canadian microbiology laboratory: laboratory automation and lean processes reduce errors, improve standardization and result quality while improving productivity. BMJ Qual Saf. 2015;24(11):718-740.
  3. Croxatto A et al. Comparison of inoculation with the InoqulA and WASP automated systems with manual inoculation. J Clin Microbiol. 2016;53(7):2298-2307.