
Representation Matters: Gender and Ethnicity Goals

As part of our 2030+ ESG goals, BD committed to improving global gender and U.S. ethnic diverse representation by 1% year-over-year* at the management and executive levels. We’re proud to report we have achieved our goal for global gender diversity and U.S. ethnic diversity in FY 2022.

Associates participating in ARGs globally

Increase in global gender representation at the executive level year-over-year

Countries represented by the ARGs globally

Increase in global gender representation at the management level year-over-year

Countries represented by the ARGs globally

Increase in U.S. ethnicity representation at the executive level year-over-year

Countries represented by the ARGs globally

Increase in U.S. ethnicity representation at the management level year-over-year

Countries represented by the ARGs globally

Increase in U.S. ethnicity representation at the individual contributor level year-over-year

Gender representation:

During FY 2022, global gender representation improved at the executive and management levels and remained consistent for individual contributors. We continue to exceed industry benchmarks at the management and executive level with the exception of director level roles.

U.S. ethnicity representation:

During FY 2022, we increased diversity across all levels of the organization. Our metrics continue to meet and at times exceed industry benchmarks at the management and executive level.

Quote from Vice President

“We understand where we have the greatest opportunities to make an impact for our associates and in our communities. Our use of goals and data provides transparency while driving accountability and progress. The strategic targets we’ve set for ourselves provide a true north for our efforts and evolution so that our advancement is driven in a measurable way.”

—Nicole Thompson, Vice President – Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Engagement

Note: The 1% year-over-year gender and ethnicity representation goal is measured against a Q4 FY2020 baseline of 42.9% and 31.1%, respectively. We define executive as associates in positions of vice president and above. Management positions are defined as those in manager, director or equivalent roles. Individual contributors are defined as exempt associates who are not in executive or management positions.
