
Women’s Initiative Network (WIN) 

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Mission: Empower, elevate and promote equality for our global community of women at BD by driving change and fostering belonging to help them achieve their individual goals and thrive as we work together in advancing the world of health

Key Accomplishment:  In the last two years, WIN partnered with the Research & Development and Integrated Supply Chain functions to conduct peer-to-peer roundtable discussions with female associates in manufacturing and product development facilities around the globe to understand perceived barriers to advancement and solicit thoughts on how the organization can best drive inclusion, diversity and equity. As a result of these discussions, deliberate action is underway to strengthen investments in, and development of, female talent.

Quote from Executive Sponsor

“Ensuring gender equity is not just about equitable hiring and pay. At BD, that’s just the beginning. Our succession planning and career development plans are very deliberate in advancing women throughout the organization. As Executive Sponsor of our WIN ARG, I am privileged to have the ability to support women’s careers not only in my business, but across the enterprise.”  

— Dave Hickey, Executive Vice President and President Life Sciences 
