BD FACSDiscover™ S8
2024 Request for Proposals (RFP)

Please note that you will need to create an account before applying. After creating an account – go to bottom of the page and click on the orange button that states "Start a New Request for Proposal (RFP)".
Applications will open May 2nd, 2024. The application period will remain open for 60-days closing June 30th, 2024.
As part of BD Biosciences’ efforts to support single-cell excellence and expand advanced spectral flow cytometry in combination with real-time imaging enabled cell sorting for Research Use Only (RUO), not for use in diagnostic or therapeutic procedures. We introduce the BD Biosciences FACSDiscover™ S8 2024 Request for Proposals (RFP).
This is a unique opportunity for researchers with access to BD FACSDiscover™ S8 instruments. The objective is to support the scientific community in contributing to further insights and closing the knowledge gap in this rapidly advancing field. To support the advancement and adoption of real-time image-based sorting enabled with BD CellView™ image technology and spectral sorting with BD SpectralFX™ technology for research, BD Biosciences has initiated a request for proposals with areas of research focus that include but not limited to:
- Image-enabled cell sorting based on
- Label free cell isolation
- Morphological differences
- Solutions for maintaining morphological features for cell isolation.
- Unique cell or non-cell samples
- Computational tools and workflows for image-based cell sorting
- Workflows and best practices for CellView and SpectralFX for cell sorting
- Applications previously impossible without real-time image sorting
- High-throughput screening applications that replace sorting and microscopy cell isolation techniques
- Evaluation and isolation of rare cell populations using CellView features
Competitive proposals should focus on unique aspects of BD CellView™ technologies or spectral sorting in combination with BD CellView™, focusing on differentiating factors of the technologies. These may include routine cell biology assays, rare event detection and isolation, novel applications, or other applications that are now possible and demonstrating the value of routine use of BD CellView™ image-based sorting.
The RFP will include (up to 5 awarded recipients):
- BD Reagents (value up to a maximum of $10,000 USD list price).
- Technical Application Support if training is needed on the BD FACSDiscover™ S8 System
- Access to internal BD technical experts (support level to be defined in proposal)
Applicant eligibility and key timelines
Recipients must be an organization or institution in the United States, Canada, or Europe* with access to a FACSDiscover™ S8 Cell sorter. Payments to individual health care professionals are not permitted. The project leader (also referred to as external investigator or sponsor‐investigator) may be from any of the following bodies that allows the submission of proposal and funding from BD:
- Post-secondary institutions or their affiliated hospitals or research institutes
- Laboratories of federal government departments or agencies
- Indigenous health authority, and/or other organization
- Non-governmental, not-for-profit organizations including charitable organizations.
- Industry and commercial enterprises
- Up to 5 awarded recipients will receive the support as indicated above.
- The application shall remain open for 60-days only (opening May 2nd and closing June 30th)
- After notification of final approval, a contract is required.
- If required contract is not executed within 60 days, BD at its discretion may cancel the funding of the proposal. We are happy to provide a copy of the contract template upon request.
Recipient selection will be conducted according to excellence of the researcher and merit of the proposal. Onus is on the applicant to address their experience and contributions to the field through CV or Biosketch submission, and significance of the project and appropriateness of the use of flow cytometry and CellView to support their methodology. Proposals should be concise with clear objectives and demonstrate exploration of innovative concepts and inquiries. Project durations should be limited to 12 months starting from the contract signature. Proposals should have a clear stated goal at the conclusion of the contract period. BD will request successful applicants provide feedback or testimonials on their experience with the program and potential outcomes of the project that may be promoted by the BD administrator. Recipients must provide at least quarterly updates on project progression and a final study report at the study's end.
How to Apply
a) Submission Process
Proposal submission deadline is June 30th, 2024. Submissions shall be made through the following link:
The email address may be used for any questions regarding this funding initiative.
Applicants will submit an abbreviated application and the contents and format of the proposal is further described in Section b (Format and Contents of the Proposal); this file shall be submitted under the Full Study Protocol section. Remaining fields collected by the electronic submission system shall be filled out according to the instructions on the website.
b) Format and Contents of the Proposal
Please prepare proposals in accordance with the following:
- The proposal should be submitted as a PDF document.
- The proposal should be in English.
- Excluding references and support letters (optional), the proposal should be a maximum of 4 pages long using US Letter size (8.5” x 11”), Normal margins (1” on each side), either Arial, Calibri, Verdana, Times or Times New Roman Font, 10pt or larger font size and line spacing that is single or larger. References should be added at the end of the proposal and do not count towards the 4-page limit. Support letters may optionally be added and do not count towards the page limit.
- The following table shall be included and filled out at the top of the proposal:
BDB 2024 Request for Proposals | |
Project Title |
Requested Budget | Maximum $10,000 USD. Projects are encouraged to request only what they need and list requested BD product donation. |
Project Duration | Maximum of 12 months. |
Project Leader Name and Affiliation Contact information including email | A single accountable project leader and lead organization must be indicated. Correspondence will be conducted with the project leader only. |
Project Co-Investigators Contact information including email | If applicable; add additional rows as/if needed. |
- The contents of the proposal should include the following sections:
Executive summary - Briefly describe the proposal and how it will address one or more aspects of the target areas of focus. Please include expected impact of this work. Limit this section to 500 words.
Related work - Describe current related work and efforts of this team that the proposed work will build on.
Project objectives – Describe what you hope to accomplish as part of the proposed work.
Methods and implementation plan – Describe the activities that support the achievement of the stated objectives.
Project deliverables and milestones – Describe milestones (checkpoints) throughout the project and expected measurable and tangible outcome of the project (deliverables).
Availability of project deliverables – Describe how you are planning to make the results and deliverables of the project available to the scientific community (examples include manuscript, poster presentation, oral presentation in scientific events or industry events).
Final study report deliverable – Describe content of the final study report/outcome of research to be shared with BD or planned manuscript publication.
Budget details – Describe how the requested budget will be used with prioritized list of BD products, consumables, equipment, services from others, general and administrative expenses. Indicate whether you have any co-funding available (state amount and source).
Curriculum vitae (CV) or Biosketch of key personnel – Include a CV or Biosketch for key personnel of the project. CVs and Biosketches do not count toward the page limit for proposal.
References – Include references related to the proposed project; references do not count towards the page limit for the proposal.
Support letters – Support letters are optional; you may include those at the end of the proposal. Support letters do not count towards the page limit for the proposal.
- BD is unable to provide BD FACSDiscover™ S8 Instruments to recipients
- Recipients must secure their access to necessary instruments
- In cases where recipients are located near BD Biosciences facilities (San Diego CA, San Jose CA), proposals may be considered where logistics are proposed on use of BD instruments on site.
- Considerations should be provided for cell viability, biosafety, institutional protocols, and expected on-instrument time.
- Proposals are limited to United States, Canada, Europe*
- *Austria, Belgium, Czechia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and United Kingdom
- Individual lab/institution acknowledges they are responsible for all other costs not outlined in the program inclusions, demonstrated through support letter from principal investigator.
Class 1 Laser Product.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic or therapeutic procedures.
BD Life Sciences, San Jose, CA 95131, USA