AI that enables high resolution and standardized plate imaging
Powered by BD Synapsys™ informatics solution, the BD Kiestra™ Urine Culture application (UCA) helps improve workflow efficiency and enhances quality by providing standardized, diagnostically relevant images for interpretation by laboratory staff.
The BD Kiestra™ InoqulA uses magnetic rolling-bead technology to generate more discrete colonies compared to loop based streaking methods.* It also features a calibrated pipette for an accurate and standardized inoculation volume
24/7 access to digital culture reading and interpretation powered by BD Synapsys™ informatics solution
Available as part of a track-based BD Kiestra™ laboratory automation solution or with the BD Kiestra™ ReadA™ standalone systems
*Croxatto, A., Dijkstra, K., Prod’hom, G. & Greub, G., (2015). Comparison of Inoculation with the InoqulA and WASP Automated Systems with Manual Inoculation. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, vol. 53 (7), 2298 – 2307.